Never done one of these posts before but today I am doing my favourite perfumes out of my collection. They may not be to your taste but these are my faves..
Also, I am currently trying different backgrounds for the next few posts and deciding what I like most so bear with me and let me know which backgrounds you like!
Probably for about 3 years this was my all time favourite perfume so I had to put it in. Its the Next Just Pink and is around £12. I love this so much! It is sort of fruity but it also has like a flowery kind of scent I guess? Perfumes are hard to describe haha.
I really like Hollister Crescent Bay (£12). This smell always reminds me of being on holiday and by the beach and lounging around in the sea... ahhh. Another perfume I like is the Beyoncè Heat perfume which my friend brought me for Christmas. I would probably class this as a wintery scent.. don't know why but thats what it smells like.. winter! (if thats a smell)
This is my current favourite perfume. It is the New Look Pure Dusk perfume. I don't know when New Look brought out their perfume range (they have 4) which are all "pure ...." but this one and Pure Touch are sooo nice! They are really flowery (?!) and they smell lush!
This is probably my most expensive favourite and the most frequent one I have brought- Daisy Dream from Marc Jacobs. This smells soooo good. It is pricey but it is really nice and so is the bottle. (Yes you can see my camera and hands in the bottle lid reflection.. whoops!)
I display my perfumes on a white floating shelf on the corner of my room and they look really pretty and dainty. I have a slight obsession.
See you all soon Xxx