11 October 2015

travel bucket list

I'm sure I'm not the only one that has a huge list of places that they really really want to visit and wrote them all down? Yes? Please say yes. I thought I would share with you my top five places I want to visit. (DISCLAIMER pictures aren't mine)

1. Anna Maria Island, Florida. Ok so this is cheating a bit because I have already been here in 2013 but is literally the quietest and prettiest place I have ever been! It is sooo beautiful!!! TIP: If you go here, they have the best icecream EVER - its from a shop called "Two Scoops". Promisee!! 

2. Italy. I just think it looks so pretty and romantic and its quite close to England so travel wouldn't be that long and my Grandparents used to go there quite a lot so I would want to go to see what they saw! Just look how nice that picture is! 

3. Hollywood. Yes I know, extremely cliche but as a lover of all things acting and singing, I would love to see it! You never know, you may accidentally bump into someone famous too! 

4. Brazil. Basically, I just want to go and watch all the big carnivals and go to Rio (shoutout to everyone who loves the film as much as i do.. a lot)! I think it looks amazing but the only thing stopping me is the mega long flight from England! 

5. Dubai. I want to go here so bad! I love the fact that its really pretty yet got so many buildings! I would love to stay on one of those manmade island things but its just so expensive!

So now you know my taste in..well.. countries?!
Hope you enjoyed,
see you real soon,
Bethany Xxx