18 May 2016




01 May 2016

The Power of Makeup

Hey, welcome back to Bethany Bea! I am sure you are aware of the current global sensation which I believe was begun by Nikkie Tutorials: The Power of Makeup. I decided to join in with the craze and have a go at this tutorial/challenge so here is my take on it:

Ok, so writing this is a bit more daunting than I thought it was going to be. Here is half of my face, completely bare, for the internet to see. I will leave links to the products used on the right side of my face at the bottom of the post,  and on the left side is just a Clean and Clear moisturiser. Unlike all the other photos you might have seen, I drew a line to separate my face down the middle as I just think it helps show the quite big difference.

As you can see, I am one of those lucky people that doesn't have to do much to their eyebrows but as you can see the rest of my face looks quite different. Yes as you can see, I did the cliché thing where everybody puts their hair back on the side with no makeup to maximise the difference and personally I don't think my skin looks that much different. Obviously my lips and eyes have quite a big change on them but I want to focus on the real reason I did this challenge.

Okay, now we are going to delve straight into the nitty gritty of this post... grab your snorkels! I wanted to take this photo so I could show you that makeup is NOT something that you need to wear! Over the last few months, weeks even, I have become a lot more confident with my 'naked face' and no longer feel the desperate need (that I am sure so many of you feel) to cover my face in makeup the moment I wake up every morning. To all those makeup wearers out there, let me tell you, it feels good! You will never understand the complete joy of being able to freely rub your eyes without cracking out a mirror to examine your mascara and eyeliner!

Don't get me wrong, I still wear makeup most days but no where near as much. Yet I no longer feel like I have to. So ladies, I am here to tell you, stop feeling like you have to live by social conformity and join in with what everybody else is doing. If you are unconfident, maybe you are spotty or have under eye circles, use concealer. I'm not saying to feel constantly embarrassed or self conscious because you have been deprived of makeup, use what you need to use. But if you have good skin or having a good day, don't feel like you have to wear a load of pointless makeup because you feel you have to. Sorry for my little rant but this is something I wanted to share with you all- to finish the post, here is another half and half picture without the line and a list of the products that you may want to buy (but you do not need/have to!).

Primer: Body Shop Instablur
Foundation: Rimmel Match Perfection 
Contour kit:Sleek Contour Kit
Eyebrows: Barry M Brow Kit
Lipstick: Mac Ruby Woo  
Eyeshadow: Urban Decay Naked 1