Can we have a drumroll please?! I mean seriously, start drumming your knees...
It is officially summer! Its the moment we have all been waiting for, we can all finally venture into the wild outdoors and not feel it is necessary to spend every living moment wrapped in three gazillion blankets and four pairs of socks. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to go on romantic walks in the park (or just walks...), sit in the garden and best of all... eat ice cream!
Although, as I am sat here writing this post, I have just looked out my window. Everybody sigh - It is absolutely chucking it down! Just to add to the utter torture, I am now thinking about how I can't actually enjoy the few rare moments of sun us Brits get blessed with because I trapped inside revising. So I guess a lot of my readers are in the same situation as me, so I thought I would give you my 3 top tips for how to revise and make the most of the sun at the same time, enjoy:
This may seem pretty self explanatory, but one of then best things you can do is pick up all your revision books etc. and vacate your bedroom (that is currently like a prison cell) and go set up outside on a picnic blanket or even better if you have some decking and chairs. This way, your brain is focused as you are outside specifically to revise and it also doesn't feel as torturous as you can soak up the sun! Also, if you want me to go all scientific on you (I apologise, I am only trying to prove a point), vitamin D is proven to help your general mental health which makes you learn more in less time... BONUS!!
If you are anything like me, you may have a younger brother or sister that is lucky enough to not be in a school year where they have exams to revise for. I find listening to your sibling have fun and arranging to meet their mates really demotivating and makes me not want to revise. So, instead of getting annoyed at their exciting days, treat yourself! Even if it's just for a quick break to eat an ice cream, it will make you feel like you aren't missing out as much. (Even though we all know meeting our mates would be a lot more enjoyable)
Okay, so arguably the worst thing about revising is looking out the window and seeing the sun (providing it is actually sunny) and knowing that you can't go out in it. Firstly, when you are revising I would advise you shut your curtains! If you can't see the weather, you don't know what you're missing. Then, organise your day into chunks. Have a look at the weather and work out when the nicest time is, then fit your revision around this. Say you know it's going to be really sunny between 12 noon and 2pm, don't revise then! Do it between 3pm and 5pm and then you haven't missed out the joys of British summer time. Simple!
Those are my top tips for how to make the most out of the sun yet still smash your exams! If you hadn't already noticed, I have changed my style of post and completely redesigned my blog and prefer it a lot more! Obviously, I haven't been active very much (as you would know if you follow my twitter!) as I have been revising but I am trying and will be back properly as soon as my exams are done! (which is very soon!)
Much love,